Med. Weter. 79 (10), 493-542, 2023

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Zwalczanie chorób zakaźnych zwierząt w Polsce w latach 1918 – 1939 ... Welz M., et al. [ summary] 495
Diagnostic of cryptorchidism in horses. Raś A. [ summary] 501
Most prevalent spinal disease of in dogs Wadowska I. [ summary ] 505


Determination of antibody response after simultaneous administration ... Sardoğan S., et al. [ summary ] 510
Genetic characterization and virus isolation of porcine reproductive ... Chen Y., et al. [ summary ] 520
Ultrasound monitoring of the regenerative treatment of Biceps Tendonitis ... Aleksiewicz R., et al. [ summary ] 525
Key-role of the local veterinary administration in combating infectious diseases of ... Dzikowski A. [ summary ] 530