Med. Weter. 80 (5), 193-244, 2024
Cancers as structures corresponding to "infinite" ("immortal") fractals Madej J.A. [ summary ] 195
Communication among animals and bioacoustics studies on bees. Tomańska A., et al. [ summary ] 200
Effect of royal jelly on chronıc lıver and kıdney damage ... Atasever A., et al. [ summary ] 212
Prevalence of Rickettsia spp., Anaplasma spp. and Ehrlichia spp. in Ornithodoros lahorensis ... Huang K., et al. [ summary ] 223
Correlation between motor laterality, temperament ... Garbiec A., et al. [ summary ] 230
Risk factors for the presence of antibody against anaplasma ... Włodarek J., et al. [ summary ] 235