Medycyna Wet. 62 (1), 93-95, 2006
Brzozowski P., Zdziarski K.
Influence of genotype, age, lactation stage and daily milk performance of Black & White cows on the freezing point of milk
The aim of the study was to determine the freezing point variability of udder milk samples from Black & White cows depending on their genotype, age, daily milk yield and lactation stage. The freezing point and chemical composition of 63800 udder milk samples collected from 12437 cows were determined using CombiFoss 5000 apparatus. The freezing point of milk from cows with a high HF breed genes share in their genotype was higher than from cows with a low or non-existent share of these genes. The freezing point increased together with the increase of somatic cell count, and decreased together with the lactation course and was the lowest (-0.5363°C) in the period prior to cows’ drying. The freezing point was also influenced by daily milk performance of the cows in milk sampling days as well as by the age of the animals.
Keywords: cow, milk, freezing point