Medycyna Wet. 62 (2), 130-134, 2006
Jurka P., Max A.
Mechanisms of clinical use of gestagens and their influence on canine and feline reproduction
The aim of the paper was to present the clinical uses of gestagens most commonly used in dogs and cats. Gestagens are widely used in the treatment of small animals, with indications ranging from dermatological to behavioral problems. However their main use involves controlling the reproductive cycle which includes suppressing the ovarian cycle, suppressing abnormal sexual behavior - especially in male dogs, and supplementing endogenous progesterone in pregnancies potentially compromised by insufficient luteal function. The article reviews the research history of gestagens, their mechanisms, provides comments and considers suggested dosages as well as indications vs. contraindications for their use, as well as summarizing gestational compounds used in veterinary medicine. It also discusses clinical use of gestagens for the treatment of pseudo pregnancy, nymphomania, pituitary dwarfism inhibition, short anoestrus, hypertrophy of prostate, male hypersexuality and spermatogenesis.
Keywords: gestagens, dog, cat