Medycyna Wet. 62 (6), 701-705, 2006
Pawlikowska M., Deptuła W.
Dynamics of T and B lymphocytes and their subpopulations in rabbits immunised with Chlamydophila sp.
The aim of the study was to show the dynamics of lymphocytes T (receptor CD5+ ), Th (receptor CD4+), Tc/Ts (receptor CD8+), B (receptor IgM . mu chain), as well as lymphocytes with receptor CD25+ in rabbits immunised with Chlamydophila abortus and Chlamydophila psittaci. Moreover, a serological test was carried out. The analysis of the results indicated that the immunisation of rabbits with the studied antigens in case of lymphocytes T and their subpopulations caused a similar increase and decrease of their amount and in case of lymphocytes B only an increase. Those changes are noted in 7th . 14th day after the immunisation and they persist until 42nd . 56th day of the experiment. Moreover, the positive titre of antibodies was noticed on the 35th . 42nd day after the immunisation, i.e. 4-6 weeks after the changes in the amount of lymphocytes.
Keywords: lymphocytes T, lymphocytes B, Chl. abortus, Clamydophila