Medycyna Wet. 62 (9), 1073-1075, 2006
Radko A., Rychlik T., Słota E.
Genetic characterization of the wrzosówka sheep breed on the basis of 14 microsatellite DNA markers
The genetic characterization of the wrzosówka sheep breed was performed on the basis of microsatellite DNA markers. 73 sheep were typed with a set of 14 microsatellites (BM757, BM827, BM6526, BM8125, OarAE129, OarCP20, OarCP34, OarFCB20, OarFCB48, OarFCB128, OarFCB304, OarHH35, OarHH47, OarHH64) recommended by the FAO for biodiversity studies. The analyzed microsatellite markers were characterized by a high polymorphism in the studied material. Except for locus OarAE129, which shows the lowest variation (H=0.485 and PIC=0.368), the calculated H and PIC values exceeded 0.5. The highest polymorphism was characteristic of locus OarAE128 and OarHH47 (H=0.837, PIC=0.817 and H=0.827, PIC=0.807). The high polymorphism of selected DNA microsatellite sequences (with H and PIC values averaging 0.711 and 0.670 respectively) and the probability of excluding the wrong parent based on all analyzed markers (99.96%) are clear evidence that they are useful for parentage control of wrzosówka sheep.
Keywords: sheep, biodiversity, microsatellite DNA markers