Medycyna Wet. 62 (11), 1317-1321, 2006
Brucka-Jastrzębska E., Protasowicki M.
Level of cadmium, nickel and zinc in fry of common carp breeding in the dropping waters of the Dolna Odra hydroelectric power station
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of refrigerate (post cooling) dropping waters on selected levels of elements in 3-month-old common carp organs and tissues at the Dolna Odra hydroelectric power station. Investigations took place twice: in the spring and autumn. The level of cadmium, nickel and zinc was examined in this study. Selected levels of elements were elevated with reference to the required standards of first and second-class quality waters. The content of the selected elements was compared with their level in the Odra River water. Based on the obtained results we claim that selected element levels were within the physiological standard range for this species. The water for breeding carp was in the second quality class and fulfills the European standards of common carp breeding.
Keywords: carp, heavy metals, dropping waters