Medycyna Wet. 63 (2), 196-200, 2007
Kruszyński W., Pawlina E., Wierzbicki H.
Genetic parameters of conformation traits in primiparous cows of Black and White and Red and White breeds
The aim of the study was to estimate genetic parameters (heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations) of conformation traits in primiparous cows of Black and White and Red and White breeds. Records of conformation scores of 7,814 cows born between 1993–1996 were analyzed in order to estimate genetic parameters for 11 traits of conformation. The cows of Black and White (n = 2240) and Red and White (n = 4574) breeds were kept in 139 herds in the Œl¹sk Opolski region. Genetic parameters were estimated using an animal model and DFREML computer package. Estimated heritability ranged from 0.58 (capacity) to 0.06 (chest circumference). The highest genetic correlations were found between the total score and udder (0.81), capacity (0.91), and type and conformation (0.91). High genetic correlations were also found between linear traits of udder (fore udder attachment, udder depth) and the udder score (0.78 and 0.45, respectively). The results obtained indicated considerable differences between the analyzed breeds as far as correlations between traits are concerned.
Keywords: dairy cattle, genetic correlation