Medycyna Wet. 63 (4), 389-393, 2007
Włodarczyk R., Bukowska D., Jaœkowski J. M.
Factors involved in the maturation of dog oocytes in vitro
Modern methods of supported reproduction find little application in relation to dogs. Although there is some progress in the production dogs embryos in vitro, results to date remain far from unsatisfactory. The main cause of failures is the low ability of dog oocytes to end the maturation process. The percentage of dog oocytes matured in vitro does not exceed 24% while in different animals species this percentage was, respectively, in goats, cattle and pigs 94%, 74.5% and 58%. There are a good deal of studies to make optimal composition of a maturation medium. Oocyte incubation in a medium with the addition of hCG resulted in a maturation of 31.7% oocytes, while in a medium without hCG this percentage was 23.3%. Estrogens are important in the process of meiosis resumption and oocyte maturation. The addition of these hormones to the medium caused a significant increase of the percentage of maturated oocytes from 2.9% to 14.7% respectively in control and experimental groups. In a few studies the influence of such supplements as synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) and the epithelial cells of oviduct on maturation dogs oocytes was definite. It seems that these supplements had no significant influence on initiation of meiosis resumption connected with oocyte maturation. However a positive influence on the enlargement of the percentage of matured dog oocytes was evoked by a culture condensation and an addition of cummulus cells.
Keywords: dog, oocyte, maturation