Medycyna Wet. 63 (8), 975-978, 2007
Varisella E. A., Nienartowicz-Zdrojewska A., Dymarski I., Sobek Z.
Reasons for culling cows from ZZD IZ Pawłowice
Reasons for culling 6454 cows, used between 1909 and 2006 in IZ ZZD Pawłowice were analyzed. The influence of 19 classes of culling reasons on the lifespan within subclasses included in the following years were estimated. The percentage of participation of individual classes of culling in time was analyzed. Cows from the Pawłowice herd were eliminated because of reproduction problems (36.8%), with a mean lifespan 73.2 months. Numerous cows (13.5% cows with a mean lifespan 74.5 months) were culled because of infectious diseases and low milk yield (11.5%, 66 months of lifespan). Cows eliminated because of behavior had the lowest lifespan (58.5 months), whereas the highest lifespan had cows culled on account of age (147.9 months). The average lifetime in the herd was 73.5 months.
Keywords: culling, lifespan, cow