Medycyna Wet. 64 (7), 889-892, 2008
Sobczyńska-Rak A., Polkowska I., Śmiech A., Silmanowicz P.
A case of ileal lymphosarcoma in a dog
The occurrence of intestinal tumors is relatively seldom. The article describes a case of a dog’s ileal neoplasia. Symptoms like persistent diarrheas, significant body loss and reduced mobility occurred. Radiography of the abdomen revealed a tumor of 10 cm in diameter located in the left subcostal area. Blood results showed leukocytosis and an elevated activity of alkaline phosphatase. The tumor was removed during laparotomy, and a part of the jejunum was resected. Histopathology showed the presence of T-cell lymphosarcoma. The patient’s health deterioration came 4 months after the surgery. Repeated radiography and ultrasonography revealed secondary cancers in different organs. The dog was euthanased. Necropsy confirmed metastases in intestines, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Therapeutic procedures on malicious tumors of alimentary tract, including this case of ileal lymphosarcoma, are described.
Keywords: dog, lymphosarcoma, alimentary tract.