Medycyna Wet. 64 (10), 1240-1243, 2008
Szalak R.
The morphology of neurons and topography of gyrus parahippocampalis in the chinchilla
The aim of the research was to learn the structure and topography of gyrus parahippocampalis in the chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger). The examination was carried out on 5 brains of sexually mature chinchillas. The examination material was fixed, dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Frontal slices were stained according to Klüver and Barrer`s method. Gyrus parahippocampalis, which was the object of the examination, is a cortical structure which joins the hippocampus formation with neocortex. It is a rear part of gyrus fornicatus, which stretches from splenium of corpus callosum to the abdomino-medial angle of the brain hemisphere. It is made up of the following cortical structures: area entorhinalis, parasubiculum and presubiculum. The above-mentioned parts of gyrus parahippocampalis cortex are made up of four layers: marginal layer, external cellular layer, medial cellular layer, and internal cellular layer.
Keywords: limbic system, gyrus parahippocampalis, chinchilla