Medycyna Wet. 62 (9), 969-1088, 2006


Bats and their behavior Smreczak M., Żmudziński J.F. [summary] 971
Role of reoviruses in avian pathology Kozdruń W., Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Czekaj H. [summary] 974
Notifiable diseases in OIE manuals and European Union legislations Antychowicz J. [summary] 977
Influence of evolution on interspecies transmission of the influenza virus Markowska-Daniel I., Kowalczyk A. [summary] 981
Structure and role of DBP (Vitamin D-Binding Protein) on physiological and pathological states in animals and humans Madej J.P., Boratyński J.,
Nowacki W.
[summary] 987
DNA integration in animal transgenesis Lipiński D., Michalak E., Słomski R. [summary] 992
Flow cytometry as a novel method for diagnosis and prognosis of diseases Lisiecka U., Kostro K., Jarosz Ł. [summary] 998


Morphological analysis and morphometry of the foramen magnum of American Staffordshire terrier breed newborns – in English Chrószcz A.,
Janeczek M., Wojnar M., Pospieszny N.
[summary] 1002
Detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in rainbow trout fry by RT-PCR– in English Vardić I., Kapetanović D., Teskeredžić Z.,
Teskeredžić E.
[summary] 1005
Adenosine deaminase in the diagnosis of white muscle diseases in lambs – in English Altuğ N., Ağaoğlu Z.T., Yüksek N., Kaya A.,
Keleş İ.
[summary] 1007
Effect of gamma irradiation on microbiological and physico-chemical quality of meatballs – in English Vural A., Aksu H. [summary] 1011
Pathomorphological diagnosis of neoplastic changes in dog`s prostate Piórkowski J., Nozdryn-Płotnicki Z., Listos P. [summary] 1016
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in dogs – a study of 48 cases Łukaszewska J., Popiel J., Stefaniak T., Atamaniuk W. [summary] 1020
Hypoadrenocorticism in a 6-year-old dog Jonkisz P., Kuziemska A., Treter T.L. [summary] 1026
Arteriosclerosis of the brain and cerebral arteritis as the cause of strokes and hemorrhages in elderly animals Sołtysiak Z., Barcikowska M., Gajda M.,
Pawlas M.
[summary] 1028
Methods of detecting animal components in feedstuff Natonek-Wisniewska M., Słota E., Rejduch B. [summary] 1033
Occurrence of genetically modified maize and soybean in feed Sieradzki Z., Kwiatek K. [summary] 1035
Influence of estrus intensity and level of physical constitution on results of artificial insemination in cattle Kozdrowski R., Twardoń J., Dejneka G.J.,
Dzięcioł M.
[summary] 1038
Neosporosis occurrence in cattle Wierzchoń M., Katkiewicz M., Marciniak K. [summary] 1041
Influence of transport stress on susceptibility of bovine leukocytes on cytotoxic effect of M. haemolytica leukotoxin Urban-Chmiel R., Puchalski A.,
Wernicki A.
[summary] 1045
Influence of some herbs on the activity of digestive enzymes in chickens Kapica M., Kwiecień M., Puzio I., Bieńko M., Radzki P.,
Pawłowska M.
[summary] 1048
Influence of water soluble vitamins on the absorption of select exogenous amino acids in chickens Badzian B. [summary] 1051
Protein profiles of surface antigens of dermatophytes Ziółkowska G., Tokarzewski S. [summary] 1056
Expression of estrogen receptors α in parahippocampal gyrus following 17β estradiol application in female rabbits Krakowska I.,
Jaworska-Adamu J.
[summary] 1059
Hydrophobic properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains Wolska K., Pawlak M., Jakubczak A. [summary] 1061
Applying macro-restriction analysis in differentiating selected strains of the Bacillus cereus group Niemcewicz M., Bartoszcze M. [summary] 1065
Mixed infections of equine herpes virus types 1 and 2 (EHV-1 and EHV-2) Bańbura M., Witkowski L., Chmielewska A., Tucholska A. [summary] 1071
Genetic characterization of the wrzosówka sheep breed on the basis of 14 microsatellite DNA markers Radko A., Rychlik T., Słota E. [summary] 1073
Evaluation of the quality and biological value of semen of polar foxes in the breeding season Janicki B., Solińska J., Łakota P. [summary] 1076
Involvement of Fas/FasL proteins in the induction of apoptosis in ectromelia virus infection of BALB/c mice Krzyżanowska M., Winicka A.,
Niemiałtowski M.
[summary] 1080
Trias to evaluate the biotransformation activity of the liver In calves Rusing a simplified paracetamol test Grochowina B., Janus K. [summary] 1084