Medycyna Wet. 62 (6), 601-728, 2006


Legal conditions, the epizootic situation and frame program for the eradication of Aujeszky’s disease in Poland Pejsak Z., Lipowski A., Wijaszka T.,
Szweda W., Kneblewski P.
[summary] 603
Activity of the National Reference Laboratory for BSE and Scrapie Polak M.P., Rola J., Rożek W., Larska M., Żmudziński J.F. [summary] 608
Main issues in robotic milking of cows Olechnowicz J., Lipiński M., Jaśkowski J.M. [summary] 611
Modern methods in the evaluation of bone tissue quality and the possibility of their application in veterinary medicine Dzierzęcka M.,
Charuta A.
[summary] 617
Healing bone fractures Kuropka P., Kuryszko J., Przetocka-Wydro A. [summary] 621
Role of prolactin in horse reproduction Zagrajczak A., Okólski A. [summary] 624
Parasites in ostriches Ziomko I., Karamon J., Cencek T. [summary] 628
Effects of nutrition in the transition period on the fertility of milking cows Nowak W., Jaśkowski J., Wylegała S. [summary] 632
Applying high pressure techniques in food technology and meat processing in particular Hać-Szymańczuk E., Mroczek J. [summary] 637


Disinfection of eggshells contaminated with Salmonella enteritidis – in English Aksu H., Bostan K., Aydın A., Yıldırım M., Keleş O. [summary] 641
Dairy goats – indicators of some zoonotic pathogens in the environment – in English Stimbirys A., Bagdonas J., Jokimas J., Nekrošiene N. [summary] 644
Carpal flexural deformity in puppies – in English ltunatmaz K., Guzel O. [summary] 649
Selected electrolytes and metabolites in the puerperal ewes with twins and singleton – in English Valocky I., Mozeš Š., Lenhardt L.,
Kačmárik J.
[summary] 652
Rabies in Poland in 2004 Smreczak M., Trębas P., Żmudziński J.F. [summary] 655
Applying macro restriction analysis and PCR in differentiating plasmid cured strains of Bacillus anthracis from transitional strains
(Bacillus sp. Ba 813).
Niemcewicz M., Bartoszcze M. [summary] 658
Differentiation of Campylobacter jejuni isolates by random amplified polymorphic DNA method Wieczorek K., Osek J. [summary] 663
Epidemiology of neonatal calf diarrhea in large dairy herds Kaba J., Kita J., Piwowarczyk A., Pawiński J., Witkowski L. [summary] 665
Usage of gabapentin for the therapy of cluster seizures in epileptic dogs Wrzosek M., Zawadzki M., Glińska K., Nicpoń J. [summary] 669
Effectiveness of the Alopevac vaccine against dermatomycosos Piórkowski J. [summary] 674
Bronchoalveolar lavage examination in diagnosing lower airways diseases in dogs Spużak J. [summary] 678
Ethanol evoked oxidation-antioxidation imbalance in rats Lutnicki K., Szpringer E., Marciniak A. [summary] 683
Pharmacokinetics of paracetamol in calf plasma and saliva Grochowina B., Janus K. [summary] 686
Mouse C2C12 myoblasts exposed to high glucose and high insulin as a cellular model of insulin resistance in skeletal muscles
Grzelkowska-Kowalczyk K., Wieteska W.
[summary] 690
Studies of the contact sensitivity properties of thioamides derivatives in guinea pigs Wilkołek P. [summary] 696
Dynamics of T and B lymphocytes and their subpopulations in rabbits immunised with Chlamydophila sp. Pawlikowska M., Deptuła W. [summary] 701
Osteosynthesis of the proximal sesamoid bone in a horse: a case study Turek B., Kulesza O., Kaczorowski M. [summary] 706
Neoplasia of testes in a stallion Pawlak M., Wojas I., Okólski A. [summary] 710
Effect of lipopolisacharide and flunixin meglumine administration on the sex steroids and biochemical parameters of stallion semen
Danek J.
[summary] 713
Changes of the lysosomal enzyme activity in the liver and kidney of mice after glucagon injections Witek B., Graniczka A., Ochwanowska E.,
Kołątaj A.
[summary] 717
Epidemic deaths of mallard ducks after Aeromonas hydrophila infection Żbikowski A., Szeleszczuk P., Karpińska E., Rzewuska M., Malicka E.,
Binek M.
[summary] 720