Medycyna Wet. 62 (1), 1-120, 2006
Milk protein polymorphism as markers of production traits in dairy and meat cattle Litwińczuk A., Barłowska J., Król J., Litwińczuk Z. [summary] 6
Pathogenesis, clinical features and diagnosis of feline hyperthyroidism Kurosad A., Popiel J., Kungl K. [summary] 16
Serological differentiation of animals infected and vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease virus Niedbalski W., Kęsy A. [summary] 20
Morphological analysis of the accessory organs of the eye in domestic animals Klećkowska-Nawrot J. [summary] 24
Cereulide and enterotoxins of Bacillus cereus sensu lato Bartoszewicz M., Święcicka I., Buczek J. [summary] 28
Comparision of red deer stomach in relation to different foraging habitat – in English Siuta A. [summary] 32
Effects of different energy levels and ambient temperatures on serum thyroid hormones and some biochemical values in Holstein steers – in English
Güler T., Kul S., Ertaş O.N. [summary] 36
Güler T., Kul S., Ertaş O.N. [summary] 36
Retained endochondral ossification of the distal ulnar growth plate in dogs– in English Altunatmaz K., Saroglu M., Guzel O. [summary] 40
Effects of zearalenone and product Toxy-Nil Plus Dry on physiological responses of boar semen– in English Kutra J., Šiukščius A., Urbšys A.,
Pileckas V., Nainienė R., Mankevičienė A. [summary] 43
Pileckas V., Nainienė R., Mankevičienė A. [summary] 43
Growth - related changes of muscle fiber characteristics and rheological properties of wild boarsmeat– in English Żochowska J., Lachowicz K.,
Gajowiecki L., Sobczak M., Kotowicz M., Żych A. [summary] 47
Gajowiecki L., Sobczak M., Kotowicz M., Żych A. [summary] 47
Comparison and clinical estimation of classical and arthroscopic coronoidectomy for fragmented coroniod process treatment in dogs Adamiak Z.,
Nowicki M., Holak P. [summary] 51
Nowicki M., Holak P. [summary] 51
Analysis of clinical cases of dogs with cardiogenic fainting Pasławska U., Noszczyk-Nowak A., Zyśko D., Gajek J., Nicpoń J. [summary] 55
Chosen parameters of the milk and blood of bitches with healthy mammary glands and those suffering from mastitis Dzięcioł M., Stefaniak T.,
Twardoń J., Kozdrowski R. [summary] 59
Twardoń J., Kozdrowski R. [summary] 59
Feline fibroepithelial hyperplasia of mammary gland: antigestagens therapy Boryczko Z., Giziński S., Seweryn T., Bostedt H. [summary] 62
Influence of ovarian cysts on tunica mucosa of the oviduct and uterus in cats Przetocka-Wydro A. [summary] 64
Prevalence of internal helminths in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in selected regions of Lower Silesia Pacoń J., Sołtysiak Z., Nicpoń J., Janczak M. [summary] 67
Influence of preservatives on the histopathological picture of some internal organs of minks Bis-Wencel H., Nozdryn-Płotnicki Z., Saba L., Zoń A.,
Kopczewski A., Sroka A. [summary] 70
Kopczewski A., Sroka A. [summary] 70
Carcass characteristics, chemical composition and sensorial evaluation of meat from broiler chickens fed hull-less barley Pisarski R., Szkucik K.S.,
Pijarska I., Malec H. [summary] 74
Pijarska I., Malec H. [summary] 74
Influence of essential fatty acids present in fish oil on productive results in gilts Bakuła T., Apoznański J., Baranowski M., Wilczyński K.,
Gajęcki M. [summary] 77
Gajęcki M. [summary] 77
Effect of phytase and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on performance and bone quality in broiler chickens Świątkiewicz S., Koreleski J.,
Kopowski J. [summary] 81
Kopowski J. [summary] 81
Influence of chimerism on selected cock reproductive traits Czekalski P., Bednarczyk M. [summary] 85
Effects of 3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyrate (HBM) on selected performance indices and non-specific defense mechanisms in geese
Puchajda-Skowrońska H., Siwicki A.K., Wójcik R., Pudyszak K. [summary] 89
Puchajda-Skowrońska H., Siwicki A.K., Wójcik R., Pudyszak K. [summary] 89
Influence of genotype, age, lactation stage and daily milk performance of Black & White cows on the freezing point of milk Brzozowski P.,
Zdziarski K. [summary] 93
Zdziarski K. [summary] 93
Use of FISH technique to study the meiosis process in bulls Rejduch B., Kozubska-Sobocińska A. [summary] 96
Morphometric changes of the reproductive system in gilts during zearalenone mycotoxicosisJakimiuk E., Kuciel-Lisiecka G. Zwierzchowski W.,
Gajęcka M., Obremski K., Zielonka Ł., Skorska-Wyszyńska E., Gajęcki M. [summary] 99
Gajęcka M., Obremski K., Zielonka Ł., Skorska-Wyszyńska E., Gajęcki M. [summary] 99
Level of specific IgG1, IgG2 and IgM in calf serum in relation to microorganisms isolated from the environment Błaszkowska M., Twardoń J.,
Sobieszczańska B.M. [summary] 103
Sobieszczańska B.M. [summary] 103