Medycyna Wet. 65 (1), 20-24, 2009
Mróz K., Hildebrand W., Saduś- Wojciechowska M., Nicpoń J.
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF) - possibility of use in dogs and cats
Summary Cancer chemotherapy involves a high risk of complications. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is the most common dose-limiting side effect of cancer chemotherapy. The availability of numerous new preparations of hematopoietic growth factors has been increasing over the past decade. The recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rh G-CSF) and other recombinant colony-stimulating factors (r CSF) can reduce the duration of severe neutropenia, the incidence of febrile neutropenia, as well as planned dosing and timing of chemotherapy. The use of filgrastim was described in veterinary medicine in the cases of neutropenia in dogs with hyperestrogenism, parvovirosis, bone marrow apalsia and during oncological treatment and in cats with panleukopenia. The use of colony-stimulating factors is based upon the physiological understanding of the regulation of neutrophil production and deployment in the body under normal condition and in response to infections. It is possible that innovations in the use of these agents will soon lead to further improvements in dog and cat cancer treatment.
Key words: haematopoietic colony-stimulating factors, chemotherapy, dog, cat