Medycyna Wet. 65 (4), 219-222, 2009
full text
Larski Z.
Some new data concerninig virology and immunology
The small virus closely associated with giant mimivirus exploits it for its own replication. New method of virus attenuation - codon-crippled viruses can work as a vaccine. Atypical role of neutrophils in Leishmaniasis - effector cells of innate immunity are exploited by infecting parasite. Successful immunotherapy of non-Hodgkin's B cell tymphoma with bispecific antibody construct which has the potential to engage all cytotoxic T cells in patients. Primary immunodeficiences - considerable expansion of their limits. Polish immunological terminology.
Keywords: "virophage", virus attenuation, neurotrophils, tumor immunotherapy, primary immunodeficiences