Medycyna Wet. 65 (5), 340-343, 2009
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Micuń J., Bissenik I., Sokołowska J., Żmudzka M., Winnicka A.,
Lechowski R., Malicka E.
Application of surgical biopsy of lymph nodes and flow cytometry in diagnosing multicentric lymphomas in dogs
Lymphoma is one of the most common histological types of carcinoma of the bone marrow. The aim of the study was to determine the usefulness of the flow cytometry in diagnosing lymphomas on the basis of the material obtained from lymph nodes by the surgical biopsy in dogs. The material was lymph nodes obtained by surgical biopsy from 33 dogs suffering from multicentric lymphoma. The control group consisted of 4 clinically healthy dogs. The material was submitted to the flow cytometry analysis using the monoclonal antibodies and fluorochromes. The percentage of the CD4+ lymphocytes was lower in the affected animals than in healthy ones. The percentage of CD21-like + lymphocytes was higher in the affected animals than in healthy ones. The percentage of CD5+ and CD8+ was lower than in the healthy dogs. The research demonstrated that determining the fenotype of lymphocytes from lymph nodes in the case of multicentric lymphoma in dogs is an important addition to immunohistochemical methods.
Keywords: dog, lymphoma, chirurgical biopsy, flow cytometry