Medycyna Wet. 65 (9), 629-632, 2009
full text
Kasprowicz A., Lew M., Pesta W., Holak P., Brzeski W.
Retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy in pigs using mechanical and manual morcellation
The aim of the present study was to determine and adapt surgical procedures of nephrectomy in domestic pigs. Procedures include surgical access, vessel preparation and ligation during retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy. The experimental part of the study should help in optimizing a similar technique for dogs.
Eight retroperitoneal nephrectomies were performed in eight pigs using either titanium clips with a mechanical morcellation or a linear stapler with manual morcellation. Four ports were used, one 10 mm camera port, one 10 mm and two 5 mm working ports. After the creation of retroperitoneal space, the renal vein, renal arteria and ureter were separately occluded. Once these elements were sectioned the kidney was removed in an extraction sac by mechanical or manual morcellation. There was no incidence of complication during all operations, therefore conversion to classic nephrectomy was not performed. After two months of observations post mortem examinations revealed no peritoneal adhesion formation in two groups of animals. Both the linear stapler and titanium clips enabled an effective occlusion of renal vessels during retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomies in pigs. The described operations decreased traumatization of the abdomen wall.
keywords: nephrectomy, laparoscopy, retroperitoneoscopy, morcellation, pigs