Medycyna Wet. 65 (11), 792-796, 2009
Pospieszny N., Adamski M., Kuropka P.
Influence of the cow’s nutrition during pregnancy on the development of the distal vagus nerve in newborn calves
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of vitamin-mineral supplementation on the development of the ganglion of nerve vagus. The research was conducted on 12 newborn calves of the HF breed. The animals were fed fodders of known qualitative-quantitative composition, and kept in the same husbandry conditions. Morphologically assessed were both distal ganglions of the vagus nerve, their components and derivatives, like laryngeal cranial nerve (n. laryngeus cranialis), the exit point and path of the heart aorta nerve (n. depressor cordis). Both ganglions were subjected to morphometry, skeletopy, holotopy and synthopy, which was important for determining the symmetry or asymmetry. The analyzed ganglions were also subjected to an X-ray microanalysis using a LEO V435 microscope. The surface analysis of the whole ganglions and the point analysis of individual nerve processes were conducted. The material was dusted with gold and analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) LEO V435 with accelerating voltage of 20000 eV. The analyzed distal left ganglions of the vagus nerve were morphometrically bigger than on the right side of the preparations. In standardized fodder certain chemical elements and a whole range of vitamins were also found. As a result of the qualitative analysis of the ganglions conducted by the aforementioned histological methods, it was demonstrated that the left ganglion is characterized by a higher level of nerve fiber organization. Fibers are tightly stuck together, forming bunches running to the circumference and also towards the spinal cord. They are surrounded by collagen fibers composing perineurium. An X-ray analysis showed an irregular distribution and occurrence of chemical elements in developing ganglion areas.
Keywords: nutrition, distal ganglion of the vagus nerve, newborn