Medycyna Wet. 66 (4), 257-258, 2010
Max A., Raszplewicz J., Dzierżanowska-Góryń D.
Ectopic pregnancy and the next fertility in a chinchilla: a case report
Ectopic pregnancy has been described in humans and different animal species, among them in pet, farm and laboratory animals. This phenomenon is also known in rodents; in chinchilla, however, it is recognized only sporadically. In the present case a 5-year-old female chinchilla was brought to the clinic because of prolonged gestation. During clinical examination the poor health of the animal was determined, including anorexia, lethargy and apathy. An enlarged abdomen was also visible. Ultrasound examination of the abdomen revealed the spherical structure of non-homogenous echogenity with hyperechogenic areas typical for bone tissue. The X-ray examination showed a mineralized fetal skeleton. A dead fetus was identified. Ventral midline laparotomy was performed under general anesthesia using medetomidine, butorphanol and ketamine. In the abdominal cavity an encapsulated spherical mass without connection to surrounding internal organs was found. A significant volume of dense puss and a developed dead fetus were removed from the body. The uterus seemed to be intact, without visible damage. The body weight of the animal was 918 g before surgery, and 517 g afterwards. The fetus’s prenatal status was suspected. It appeared to be initially developed inside the uterus and later came out due to uterus rupture into the abdominal cavity where it was encapsulated in the following period. Seven months after the surgery the next pregnancy was diagnosed. The presented case has confirmed the possibility of ectopic pregnancy in this animal species with the ability of fertility afterwards.
Key words: ectopic pregnancy, chinchilla, fertility