Medycyna Wet. 67 (1), 25-28, 2011
Kempisty B., Walczak R., Antosik P., Szczepańska P., Woźna M., Bukowska D., Zaorska K., Dziuban J., Jaśkowski J.M
Systems for evaluating the developmental competence of mammalian oocytes and embryos based on the Lab-on-Chip microfluidic technology
This review presents basic criteria for evaluating the developmental competence of oocytes and embryos, and contains a detailed description of the microfluidic-technology-based Lab-on-Chip. The developmental competence of oocytes is acquired through a complex process associated with oocyte growth and maturation, the storage of large amounts of mRNA and proteins, and with the formation of proper cell morphology. The full maturation of oocytes is required for successful monospermic fertilization and embryonic preimplantation development. The morphology of the gamete is one of the most important factors influencing the developmental competence of the cell. There are several indicators for the assessment of oocyte morphology, most of them including the color and granularity of the cytoplasm. Intensive research is under way to develop and introduce new non-invasive methods of oocyte and embryo quality assessment as a major factor in the improvement of assisted reproductive techniques. The Lab-on-Chip technology, as an independent micro-cytometric device, is a combination of reproductive biology techniques and micro-optic electronics. In the future, Lab-on-Chip systems may be used as an important diagnostic instrument for evaluating the quality of mammalian oocytes and embryos.
Keywords: developmental competence, oocyte and embryo quality, Lab-on-Chip technology