Medycyna Wet. 67 (2), 136-139, 2011

full text

Kołodziejska A., Szweda M.
Malignant lymphoma in a Guinea Pig. A case report
This case report describes a 3-year-old male guinea pig with malignant lymphoma (lymphosarcoma). Clinical examination revealed apathy, dyspnoea, weight loss, bilateral swelling of conjunctiva and lymphadenomegaly. Periphery blood examination revealed leukocythosis with lymphocythosis. Radiological und ultrasound examination showed free fluid in the thoracic cavity, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and the enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes. Cytological examination by fine needle aspirate from the mandibular lymph node revealed a pleomorphic population of medium to large lymphoblastic cells. Macroscopical examination revealed a generalized enlargement of periphery and mesenteric lymph nodes, infiltrates in pleura pulmonalis, free fluid in thoracic cavity, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. Histological examination showed lymphoblastic infiltrates in almost all organs, especially liver, spleen, lungs and bone marrow.
Keywords: guinea pig, malignant lymphoma (lymphosarcoma), lymphadenomegaly