Medycyna Wet. 67 (3), 186-189, 2011
Łopuszyński W., Adaszek Ł., Winiarczyk S.
Clinical course and diagnosis of cerebrocortical necrosis in young bulls
Cerebrocortical necrosis is a disease accompanied by a secondary deficiency of vitamin B1. Among ruminants the disease most often occurs in young bulls between 5 and 18 months of age on a carbohydrate-rich diet. Clinical symptoms observed in the course of this disease include blindness, ataxia and sensory disturbances. The diagnosis of cerebrocortical necrosis is based on the results of clinical examination, laboratory tests (concentration of thiamine), the effectiveness of treatment, and in cases of deaths, on the necropsy and histopathological examination of the brain. Treatment involves supplementation of vitamin B1. This paper presents four cases of cerebrocortical necrosis in bulls aged 5-8 months.
Keywords: cerebrocortical necrosis, bulls, vitamine B1.