Med. Weter. 68 (2), 65-128, 2012


Progerias and anticipative diseases – in English Madej J.A. [ summary ] 67
White markings in the horse – in English Stachurska A., Ussing A.P. [ summary ] 74
Immunomodulating properties of antimicrobial drugs Pejsak Z., Truszczyński M. [ summary ] 79
Atypical pestiviruses: Risk for cattle breeding and importance for the control of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) Kuta A., Larska M., Polak M.P.,
Żmudziński J.F.
[ summary ] 84
Neurologic form of equine herpesvirus 1 infection as a newly emerging infectious disease of horses Płoszay G., Rola J., Żmudziński J.F. [ summary ] 88
Thyreostat residues in animal tissues and food Witek S., Woźniak B., Żmudzki J., Sielska K. [ summary ] 92


Effect of Moringa oleifera, activated carbon and wood charcoal on biochemical and hematological parameters of Wistar rats exposed to lead
acetate – in English
Mahdy T., Giorgi M., Adewole T., Ernest F., Idoko I., MateyM., Ozele N., Oladipo S., Sunday M. [ summary ] 96
Morphometrical analysis of neurons of corpus amygdaloideum’s nucleus amygdaloideum lateralis in domestic pig – in English
Łuszczewska-Sierakowska I.
[ summary ] 102
Evaluation of antimicrobial agents consumption in swine and cattle in Poland based on a questionnaire in 2010 Krasucka D., Cybulski W.,
Klimowicz A., Dzierżawski A.
[ summary ] 106
Diagnosis and epidemiological condition of bovine brucellosis in Poland Szulowski K., Iwaniak W., Weiner M., Złotnicka J., Szymajda M., Zaręba Z.,
Czępińska H.
[ summary ] 110
Levels of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in Baltic fish Niewiadowska A., Kiljanek T., Semeniuk S., Żmudzki J. [ summary ] 114


Case of distocia in a cat caused by hydrocephalus in the fetuses Brodzki P., Brodzki A., Piech T. [ summary ] 119
Odontodystrophy in wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) tusks Houszka M. [ summary ] 123