Med. Weter. 68 (11), 641-704, 2012


Tramadol and tapentadol hydrochloride: an old and a novel atypical opioid drug. An overview on their present and potential
applications – in English
Giorgi M. [summary] 643
Derzsy’s disease: Still a problem Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Kozdruń W. [summary] 647
Occurrence of tetracyclines in tissues and food of animal origin: causes and consequences Gajda A., Posyniak A., Żmudzki J.,
Różańska H.
[summary] 650
Infectious laryngotracheitis: pathogenesis and perspectives of immunoprophylaxis Śmiałek M., Tykałowski B., Stenzel T., Pestka D.,
Koncicki A.
[summary] 656
Bluetongue – current epizootiological situation in Europe Niedbalski W. [summary] 662
Proteins regulating the maturation of oocytes in mammals Świerczewska M., Zaorska K., Kempisty B., Nowicki M. [summary] 666


Evolution of biogenic amine content during ripening time in two types of dry sausages: can grain matrix play a role? – in English Forzale F.,
Nuvoloni R., Pedonese F., Giorgi M.
[summary] 672
Effect of novel visual item on behavioral distress in foals separated from their mothers - in English Budzyńska M., Krupa W. [summary] 676
Pathomorphological evaluation of changes in the livers of animals from the Lublin province in 2005-2009 – in English Piórkowski J.,
Nozdryn–Płotnicki Z.
[summary] 680
Occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in food of animal origin in the Opole region in 2008-2010 Łacna B., Dereń W., Krzyśko-Łupicka T. [summary] 684
Content of cadmium, lead and mercury in the tissues of game animals Szkoda J., Durkalec M., Kołacz R., Opaliński S., Żmudzki J. [summary] 689
Analysis of thermographic, radiographic and ultrasonographic results in diagnosing orthopedic diseases in racehorses Soroko M., Henklewski R.,
Jodkowska E.
[summary] 693
Effect of the inflammation of the mammary gland on the content of macro- and microelements in milk Górska A., Mróz B. [summary] 697