Med. Weter. 5 (9), 667-748, 1949
On the post - vaccination disea¬se in the Warsaw district dogs following the large scale anti - rabies vaccination in 1948 Stryszak A- [digitized] 668
The importance of the femoral re¬flex in the early stages of distemper in dogs Runge S. [digitized] 674
Sources to the problem of Euro-pean wild horses in historical times with particular consideration of the wild forest Tarpan Vetulani T- [digitized] 679
The state of health of carps in the period 1947 —• 1948 on the Department's of Fish Diseases in Warsaw terrain activi- ties Zawisza Z. [digitized] 696
The econo¬mical importance of saline solutions for the chilling plants installations Bojanowski J., Klus A. [digitized] 698