Med. Weter. 5 (6), 407-494, 1949
The influence of pH on the virulence of the Swine fever virus in the pork Trawiński A., Trawi ńska J. [digitized] 416
Observations on the influence of various methods of examinations and some external factors on the differences of results of haematologic
studies Kocowicz I., Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 431
studies Kocowicz I., Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 431
Some observations on the infection of Coregonus albula Linne with Ichthyotaenia longicollis Rudin Kozicka J. [digitized] 438
Studies on the presence of bacterial flora in the stalions sperm-with a particular regard to the presence of
Str. haemolyticus Bielański W., Chodkowski A., Szaflarski J. [digitized] 442
Str. haemolyticus Bielański W., Chodkowski A., Szaflarski J. [digitized] 442
A contribution to the study of the resistance of encysted Trichinella spiralis Gaugusch Z. [digitized] 443