Med. Weter. 6 (5), 269-332, 1950


The part of veterinary sciences in the I. Congress of the Polish Science Parnas J. [digitized] 269
Soviet helminthology in the light of the Michurin theory .Skriabin K. I., Szichobałowa N. P. [digitized] 272
The problem of the control of breeding diseases of cattle in Poland Lipnicki J. [digitized] 274
Shigella equirulis and Bacterium anitratum (para-shigellosis of foals) Parnas J. & Lorkiewicz Z. [digitized] 280
Brucello-sis-a professional disease of veterinary surgeons on the terrains of the Silesia district .Kamińska A. & Szaflarski J. [digitized] 284