Med. Weter. 7 (4), 217-280, 1951
The preparation of the antigen stained with haematoxylin for the ring test (ABK) for brucellosis in cattle Łosiński T. [digitized] 224
The annual cycle of the excretion of nematodes eggs in horses Dobrowolska D., Grabda E. [digitized] 235
Notes on the treatment of liver distomiasls in sheep by Intrarumlnal Injections i>i carbon tetrachloride (CC1) Donigiewicz K. [digitized] 237
Observations on artificial insemination of mares as an auxilliary method of the control of infectious anaemia in horses Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 239
Three cases of laceration of the perineum in a mare during partirition Sierzpowski A. [digitized] 243