Med. Weter. 7 (1), 1-72, 1951


A new stage in the development in the dialectic pathology Finik Z. [digitized] 1
The duration of immunity against Newcastle disease following vaccination with alive Hertfordshire virus Teklinski A. [digitized] 5
The control of Swine fever in large centres of production Manninger R. [digitized] 6
The aetiology and control of enzootic bronchopneumonia in piglets Manninger R. [digitized] 9
A new stage in the development of microbiology Leonow N. I. [digitized] 10
Intradermal vaccination of chicken with the morified Newcastle disease virus Teklinska M. [digitized] 13
Diseases of the group ,,Rocky Montain Spotted Fever (RMSF) . Lipnicki J. [digitized] 15
The application of the polysaccharide and protein fractions for the diagnosis of distomiasis in sheep Szaflarski J., Nawrocki J. [digitized] 16
Nitrogen mustard in the veterinary therapeutics Baran W. Janiak T. [digitized] 20
Nitrogen mustards and its therapeutic properties in the treatment of mastitis in cattle Senze A. [digitized] 25
A case of epilepsy in a dog and a cat following trauma, which resulted in no detectable organic lesions of the brain Tyszkiewicz M., Zawielew J. [digitized] 26
A case of acropachy in a dog Stefaniak W. [digitized] 29
The basis of tissuetherapy Smoluchowski A. [digitized] 31
Poulson's parturition forceps for small animals Runge S. [digitized] 33
The blood picture of piglets invaded by mixed kind of parasites ChilimoniukJ. [digitized] 34
A rare case of diabetes insipidus and attacks haematuria in an 8 monthly bull Gancarz B., Koprowski J. [digitized] 36