Med. Weter. 8 (11), 481-528, 1952


Achievements of the veterinary science and practice in the Soviet Union [digitized] 481
Influence of penicillin, streptomycin, aureomycin and Chloromycetin on some zoonotic diseases Parnas J., Stępkowski S., Dąbrowski T.,
Lorkiewicz Z., Różańska M., Rukasz T.
[digitized] 484
Trichomoniasis in birds Szaflarski J. & Steffen J. [digitized] 486
A contributory note to the investigations on the microorganism of Septi¬caemia apiis Niemczuk R. [digitized] 489
Collection of blood from recovered cases from foot and mouth disease Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 491
The fight against tu¬berculosis transmitted by milk Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 493
Investigations on the use of antybiotics in the production of canned meat . Prost E. [digitized] 495
Two cases of salmonellosis in calves Brodacki M. [digitized] 499
On some problems of the physiologic pathology of the higher nervous activities in domestic animals Koropow W. M. [digitized] 500