Med. Weter. 8 (2), 49-96, 1952


Veterinary service in the light of the Constitution of the Polish Democratic Republik Janowski B. [digitized] 49
Eradication of Swine plague Krauss S. [digitized] 50
Diathesis haemorrhagica in cattle Janiak T., Karwas S., Koprowski J. & Runge S. [digitized] 52
Infectious virusal stomatitis and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract in sheep Chodkowski A. & Żebrowski L. [digitized] 56
The evaluation of hitherto used therapeutic treatment in foul brood Kirkor S. [digitized] 60
A note on complications in fowl after vaccination with crystal violet Anczykowski F. [digitized] 62
Brans and the determination of their fodder and clinical value Janowski B. [digitized] 68