Med. Weter. 9 (8), 337-384, 1953


More energy and initiative in combating parasitic diseases Stefański W. [digitized] 337
Supravital stainig of bull semen for the differentiating of live and dead spermatozoa Jaśkowski L, [digitized] 340
The opsonocytophagic test of gui¬nea pigs infected with Brucella strain 19 Kurek Cv [digitized] 341
The level of antibodies against Br. abortus bovis in the serum of hens on the terrain of the, Opole district Kamińska K., Larski Z.
& Prokopeczko M.
[digitized] 344
On the outlines of the new ma¬terialistic — Pavlov's theory of immunity . Parnas J. [digitized] 345
The problem of ponieś „konik" Prawocheński R. [digitized] 348
The rearing of newborn orphans Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 349
„Ceromangan" in veterinary therapeutics . . Runge S.r Chwojnowski A. & Dziubek T. [digitized] 352
A suitable selection and protection of calves — a basis of the fight against infertility of cows Senze A. & Hochenberg R. [digitized] 354
Physiologic consumption of pro¬thrombin in the circulating blood of rabbits Stanski F. [digitized] 355
Rupture of - M. peroneus tertius Modrakowski A. [digitized] 357
Studies on the influence of the horseshoe nails and the hoof on the force of the fixation of the horseshoe A. [digitized] 358
The veterinary detector DW1 Tymniak M. [digitized] 359
Herpes tonsurans in farm animals Wertejuk M. [digitized] 360
Mineral supplement of food from the slag Janiszewski J. [digitized] 361
A case of single-foot in pigs . Pustôwka T. [digitized] 362
Participation of the veteri¬nary service in the licensing of reproductors Wadowski S. [digitized] 362
The role of utilitarian esta¬blishments in the fight against infectious diseases of animals Strzelecki B. [digitized] 363