Med. Weter. 9 (3), 97-144, 1953
Prophylactic vaccinations of pigs against Swine erysipelas Jedliński K. [digitized] 99
Transmutations of the virus of Foot and mouth disease Rôhrer H. [digitized] 100
Diseases and prophylaxis of breeding and management of pigs in the state Agricultural Farms and Productive Cooperatives Janowski H. [digitized] 103
More attention to the fight against pullorum disease Grochowski J. [digitized] 108
The procedure of the veterinary surgeon in combating infectious diseases of animals Bachurzewski K. T [digitized] 110
Antigen stained with tetrazol salts for the plate agglutination in pullorum disease Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 113
Notes on milk losses caused by foot and mouth disease using the aphtaevaccination method Woźniak M. [digitized] 116
Principles of chilling and freezing meat Prost E. [digitized] 119
Geochemistry and veterinary science Strzemski M. [digitized] 122
Two cases of bilateral dif¬fuse opacity of the cornea in cattle, treated according to Fi'atow's tissue method Jakucewicz S. [digitized] 124
Tissue suspensions the best form of tissuse therapy Badura R. [digitized] 126
Haemorrhages in bitches as an early symptom of thallium poisoning Senze A. [digitized] 128
What is the cause of faulty functioning of some detector apparatuses Tymniak M. [digitized] 128
A case of Osgood-Schlatter disease (Apophysitis tibialis anterior) in a dog Stefaniak W. [digitized] 130
A cause of dicephalus in a mature pig foetus Stehlik Z. & Zarzycki J. [digitized] 131
Testicular hermaphrodism in a horse Szuperski T. [digitized] 132
A case of oesophageal ob¬struction by silvane hay in a horse Kozłowski B. [digitized] 133
Gastroenteritis infectiosa suum. Gruszecki S. [digitized] 133
A new project of internal repor¬ting of the evterinary service Getier K. [digitized] 136