Med. Weter. 9 (4), 145-192, 1953


Mass veterinary action. Korzeniewski J. [digitized] 145
Role of the veterinary press Gruszecki, S. [digitized] 149
The result of investigation on pasture—ground invasive diseases in Poland and the necessity of its planed control Stefański W. [digitized] 152
New point of view on the method of investigation and on ichtioparasitical problemat Prost M. [digitized] 156
Etiology and patogénesis of hemorr¬hagic septicemia in carp in postwar research Jara Z. [digitized] 158
Antropozoonoses as^a strong worklink between medicine and veterinary medicine Parnas J. [digitized] 161
The prevention of bovine Trichomoniasis and of other diseases transmitted by breeding Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 163
tudies on swine influenza. Histological picture of the respiratory tract in the process of swine influenza Kądziołka A. [digitized] 163
Salmonella bispebierg Czarnowski A., Nowak, B., Buczowski, Z. [digitized] 168
he effect of garlic fitoncids on Salmonella pullorum in vitro and in vivo Larski Z. [digitized] 169
Etiological divergences in animal gout Runge S. [digitized] 170
Apparent rupture of flexor tendo Modrakowski A. [digitized] 171
Artificial feeding of piglinks with milk powder . . Senze A. [digitized] 172
Infectious gastro-enteritis of the genus felis Markiewicz K. [digitized] 173
Common salt poisoning causes in Pigs Bohosiewicz M. [digitized] 174
Fatal poisoning of horses with flax-seed Strzelecki B. [digitized] 175
Avitaminosis H in marmots (Citellus suislica) Szaflarski J. [digitized] 176
Remarks on Dr Kobusiewicz and Dr Swięch articles Konopiński B. [digitized] 176
Reviev on scientific investigation regarding the bacterial forms of viruses in Soviet Union Rogalski L. [digitized] 176