Med. Weter. 9 (5), 193-240, 1953


The problem of combating invasive diseases Żarnowski E. [digitized] 193
Ill Meeting of the Polish Physiologic Society in Wroclaw Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 196
The role of biochemistry in veterinary medicine Mierzejewski T. [digitized] 198
Z. An epizootic disease of turkeys caused by bacteria of the Salmonella genus Marek K., Meuszyński Z. & Larski [digitized] 200
Parasitic diseases causing infertility in fishes Jar a Z. [digitized] 205
Erythematosus of eels ... Fischer E. [digitized] 207
Hodgkin's disease in a dog Hirnle Z. [digitized] 209
Studies on the variability of acti vity of antibiotics (penicillin and strepto mycin) used in the production ' of canned meat Prost E. [digitized] 215
Novocain in the treatment of local inflammatory processes Dłużewski S., Patyra S., Urban M., Kargol R. [digitized] 217
Suffrago (pododermatimotis) in horses Stankiewicz W. [digitized] 218
From the casuistry of morbid anatomy Runge S., Chwojnowski A., Dziubek T- & Seredyński L. [digitized] 223
A note on the proceedings in case of complete closure of the cervix uteri and its insufficient opening during parturition in cows Koźliński B. [digitized] 225
Notes on the use and action of the antipyic antivirus . Stein E. [digitized] 227
Activities of the veterinary- sanitary supervision in1951 Gruszecki S. [digitized] 228