Med. Weter. 9 (10), 433-480, 1953


The problems of combating breeding diseases of cattle [digitized] 433
Observations on allergic reactions in cattle following the use of various tuberculins Chodkowski A. [digitized] 437
On the outlines of the new mate¬rialistic-Pavlov's theory of immunity Parnas J. [digitized] .440
The level of Br. abortis bovis antibodies in the blood sera of goats on the terrain of the Stalino-grôd district Szaflarski J. & Steffen J. [digitized] 443
Observations on tu¬berculosis on food animals Ciesla E. & Prost E. [digitized] 444
Examinations of hygienic conditions of the breeding environment of submontane rural district Matejczyk F. [digitized] 446
Morphology of blood in cattle in relation to milk production Folejewski W. [digitized] .448
Standard cow-sheds . Lipnicki J. [digitized] 449
Rare infectious diseases of do- mestic birds Ugorski L. [digitized] 451
Ceromangan in veterinary therapeutics Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 453
Observations on the effectiveness of action of gentian violet in strongyloidesiasis of piglets Chilimoniuk J. & Pinkiewicz E. [digitized] 455
A phantom of the author's own design for the demonstration of the removal of foetal membranes in cows Senze,A. [digitized] 456
Two cases of complicated male pseudo-hermaphroditism in the pig Runge S. & Chwojnowski A. [digitized] 458
Acropachy in animals Stefaniak W. [digitized] 460