Med. Weter. 9 (1), 1-48, 1953
Tasks of the veterinary service in 1953 Korzeniewski J. [digitized] 1
Increasing the fight against foot and mouth disease [digitized] 4
Foot and mouth disease and fertility Senze A. [digitized] 6
Distribution of Streptococcal mastitis in Poland Chodkowski A. [digitized] 7
Notes on prevention of Trichomoniasis Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 10
The role of Streptococcus aureus in food poisonings. Trawiński A. [digitized] 13
Inventory examinetions of the bree¬ding environment •Cena M. [digitized] 16
The vitality of animals organisms Kwasieborski J. [digitized] 19
Prophylactics of trace elements deficiency diseases Staśkiewicz G [digitized] 22
Disinfection in combating virusal diseases Kej dana S. [digitized] 24
The use of the stomach tube for the administration of medicines Śpiewak S. [digitized] 26
Injuries in small animals following falls from the heights- Badura R. [digitized] 29
A case of an incised wound of intercostal muscles and parietal pleura complicated by valvular pneumothorax in a horse Ługowski T. [digitized] 31
New methods of treat¬ment of not-infectious animal diseases Oganiesian P. A. [digitized] 32