Med. Weter. 10 (8), 453-508, 1954


Practical value of Traub's Swine erysipelas vaccine in Poland . Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 453
Myxomatosis in rabbits . Ocetkiewicz J. [digitized] 455
On a new test facilitating the diagnosis of liver flukes disease Tarczyński S. [digitized] 457
Naturalistic and economical district distribution of a Fodder Base . Janowski B. [digitized] 460
Influence of iodocasein on lacta¬tion of cattle Herman W. [digitized] 466
Works of the Department of Science of Special Breeding of Animals at the W.S.R. in Wroclaw (continued) Konopiriski T.; [digitized] 468
A note on the possibility of eliminating secondary infec¬tions in the production of bloted meat Gaugusch Z. & Kafel S. [digitized] 471
New antybiotics. II. Aureomycin . . Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 475
The use of paper chromato¬graphy in the diagnosis of thallium poison¬ings in dogs Mazurczak J. [digitized] 479
Trypaflavin in the treatment of Epithelioma contagiosum et diphtheria avium in turkeys Hauptman B. [digitized] 481
Cases of hearth-death of pigs in the State Agricultural Farms in the Warsaw dictrict Holuj M. [digitized] 482
An abscess on the withers successfully treated by the conservative method Szeligowski E. [digitized] 484
The value of artificial insemination in fishes Ruciriski T.I [digitized] 485
New experimental data on the nature of viruses and bacteria and their theoretical and practical bearing Boszjan G. M. [digitized] 487
Methods of increasing the viability of embryos, chicks and young domestic birds Wiśniewska L. & Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 490
Practical indications for | combating Pestis suum in collective farms and industrial fattening centres Jakucewicz S. [digitized] 492