Med. Weter. 10 (3), 117-180, 1954
Un the Soviet recent therapeutic achievements in the field of novocain blockade Dłużewski S.. [digitized] 117
Attemps to apply the allergic reaction in Swine erysipelas Parnas J., Lorkiewicz Z. & Meresta L. [digitized] 130
Works of the Department of Science of Special Breeding of Animals at the W.S.R. in Wnoiclaw Konopiński T. [digitized] 140
Common salt poisoning in pigs in the light of laboratory investigations Bohosiewicz M [digitized] 148
The use ot a hand-borer for the fixation of rivets in the treatment of fissures of. the hoof Sierzpowski A. [digitized] 157
Present achievements of the Soviet veterinary service in combating animal infectious diseases Leonów N. [digitized] 158
Artificial insemination and the problem of fertility of animals in Bulgaria Bielański W. [digitized] 161