Med. Weter. 11 (8), 449-512, 1955


Organisation of parasitology in in the Soviet Union Stefański W. [digitized] 449
A report from the XXIII session of the Office International des Epizooties, Paris Trawiński A. [digitized] 453
Distribution of Cystocaulus ocreatus in sheep in Poland Fudalewicz - Niemczyk W. [digitized] 458
Economic aspect of hypodermosis of cattle Zaleski J. [digitized] 460
The problem of zoohygiene . . Cena M. [digitized] 461
Prominent State stallions in Lublin district Sasimowski E. [digitized] 464
Use of phosphates in the production of sausages Prost E. [digitized] 466
Treatment of diarrhoea of young pigs Wisłocki M. [digitized] 472
Anatomical basis of “rectal” examination of the cow Lutnick i W. [digitized] 475
Preventive treatment of traumatic reticulitiis in the present veterinary surgery Tymniak M. [digitized] 479
From the autopsy note-book of exotic animals. Post mortem examination of Bison bison L Preibisch J. [digitized] 481
Sexual reflexes of the male and their practical value Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 483
Arsen poisoning in cattle Niec L. & Zadura J. [digitized] 484
On results of the commission of confirmation of methods presented by G. M. Boszian Kowalenko J. R. [digitized] 486
In the Ministry of Rural Husbandry of the Soviet Union Iwanow A. [digitized] 490