Med. Weter. 11 (6), 321-384, 1955
Veterinary scientific problematics in the light of requirements of the terrain;-practice Korzeniewski J [digitized] 321
A report from the XXIII session of the Office International des Epizootics, Paris Trawinski A. [digitized] 327
Types of the microorganism of foot and mouth disease in 1951—1954 . Kobusiewicz T., Dziubkiewicz H., Baranowski C. [digitized] 334
The level of cold aemaggluti-ninis in equine infectious anemia . Żebrow ski L., Grundboeck M., Żórawski C. [digitized] 339
On the use of stained suspension of bact. brucella in the agglutination reaction Anczykowski F. & Murat P. [digitized] 342
Determination of intraocular pressure intraocular pressure in animals Szczudłowska M. [digitized] 348
Measures of control of sterility and infertility in the State Agricultural Estates in the Stalinogród district Nawrocki J' & Zaprzał K. [digitized] 349