Med. Weter. 11 (5), 257-320, 1955


Studies on active immunization of cattle with the strain 19 against brucellosis in Bulgaria Angeloff St. [digitized] 258
Prevention and immunoprophylaxis in swine enzootic influenza Harnach R. [digitized] 261
Treatment of mange of sheep in Hungary Mocsy J. [digitized] 266
Experimental studies on the production of specific parasitic antibodies ... Trawiński A. [digitized] 268
Observations on diseases of nutria in mass breeding Steffen J. [digitized] 270
Vaccine against Teschen disease Larski Z., Szaflarski J. [digitized] 276
Contribution to the laboratory diag¬nosis of pullorum disease Zięba T. [digitized] 279
A washing device for the quantitative determination of microorganisms in the air Czajkowski Z. & Ugorski L. [digitized] 281
Investiga¬tions on the water iubibition of park meat Janicki M. A. & Walczak Z. [digitized] 286
Technology from the point of view surgeon as the hyg.ienist Gaugusch Z. [digitized] 291
The use of hydrorhodanic acid in-' the treatment of animals Staskiewicz G. [digitized] 294
Sources of infertility in cows and methods of control Zebracki A. [digitized] 296
Surgical treatment of the anal diverticulum in dogs Zakiewicz M. [digitized] 299
Methods of determination of pH of the semen in males Roslanowski K. [digitized] 301
Contribution to diseases of laboratory animals Meuszynski S. & Rogalski L. [digitized] 303
Some notes on vaccination of pigs against swine erysipelas Lis H [digitized] 304
Development of the veterinary service in Hungary Danes J. [digitized] 305