Med. Weter. 11 (3), 129-192, 1955


Notes on diagnosis of vibriosis of cattle Stępkowski S. [digitized] 129
Enzootic pneumo¬nia of pigs in fattening collective piggery Kurek C..& Kanicki M. . [digitized] 133
Listerellosis of sheep Dąbrowski T. & .Meresta L. [digitized] 135
Myxomatosis nf hares Kejdana S. [digitized] 136
Surrounding temperature as an environmental factor in the breeding of cattle (continued) Konopiński T. [digitized] 138
Studies on determinations of pH of meat Prost E. [digitized] 142
The action of Polyporus betulinus and Poria obli-qua on spontaneous tumors in dogs including cancers of the papilla Wandokanty F.,
Utzig J. & Kotz J.
[digitized] 148
Therapeutic cream accor¬ding to Filatow's method Anczykowski F.. [digitized] 151
Sulfonamides in the treat¬ment of diseases of poultry in the light of literature and the author's studies Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 154
Practical notes on Eunarcon anaesthesia in dogs Tarasewicz W. [digitized] 157
Introduction of medicines into the caecum in horses by rectal puncture . . Balbierz H. & Grabiński J. [digitized] 159
Attemps to employ Wroclaw taxonomy Janowski T. [digitized] 161
Observations on noxious action ol Oryza clandestina A. BR Zadur a J. [digitized] 165
A case oil mass poisoning of horses with lupin . Chwalibóg J. & Brzozowski B. [digitized] 166
Poisoning of cattle with Cicuta virosa in 1954 Janowski W. & Lewandowski L. [digitized] 166
Bumblefoot in birds Szaflarski J. [digitized] 168
A case of retention of the egg in a hen Wojnarowski K. [digitized] 168
Puncture of the spleen by a foreign body in a cow the cause of slaughter of necessity Wojnarowski K. [digitized] 169
On the dispatch of material for laboratory diagnosis of poiisonings of animals Bielajew M. & Kowalewski M.. [digitized] 169