Med. Weter. 11 (1), 1-64, 1955
Contribution of the veterinary service in the realization of the plan of development of breeding... Korzeniewski J. [digitized] 1
Terrain plate agglutination with a drop of blood in brucellosis of cattle Ratomski A, et al. [digitized] 5
Draughting-power of horses on the basis of tests conducted in 1951—1952 Prawocheński R. et al. [digitized] 20
Surrounding temperature as an environmental factor in the breeding of cattle Konopiński T. [digitized] 27
A new from of pododermatitis infectiosa superficialis cunei et solease in the horse Kulczycki J. et al. [digitized] 34
Substances inhibiting mitosis in plants-isolated from Polyporus betulinus Małonowicz M. et al. [digitized] 39
Temptative application of Sulkowicz' tests for the diagnosis of traumatic... Wer da K. [digitized] 42
The accammodation of the microscop case as a case-heater for microsco¬pic examination of semen Czauderna A. [digitized] 48