Med. Weter. 12 (10), 577-640, 1956
Pipera-zine — carbon disulphide compound as a medicine against Ascariasis in pigs Wertejuk M. & Chowaniec W. [digitized] 584
Brucellosis of poultry. I. Critical review of the literature (continued) Anczykowski F. [digitized] 587
Symposium of the Interna¬tional Association of Veterinary Food Hygie¬ne, Utrecht Trawiński A. I [digitized] 592
The picture of vaginal smears of the rabbit following'administration of atropine and pilocarpine Senze A. & Rauluszkiewicz S. [digitized] 595
Studies on the conservation of the semen in the artificial insemination practice. I. Results of studies on methods of procedure with
semen after collection and conservation in a thermos containing ice Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 599
semen after collection and conservation in a thermos containing ice Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 599
Advantages form blood transfusions on an example of post-haemorrhagic anaemia cau¬sed in a dog by an urinary calculus
Markiewicz K. & Stankiewicz W. [digitized] 603
Markiewicz K. & Stankiewicz W. [digitized] 603
Notes on the suitableness of novocain blockades in the treatment of sur¬gical diseases of domesticated animals Klepaczko F. [digitized] 610
Determination of the blood volume in cows by the use of Evans blue 1824 Ewy Z. & Łysak A. [digitized] 618
Microthermostat with automatic regulation of the temperature, adjusted to examinations of the semen Wierzbowski S. & Wójcik K. [digitized] 621