Med. Weter. 12 (5), 257-320, 1956
Observations on lerneosis of trouts Grabda J. [digitized] 257
Some technical notes on the complement fixation test in brucellosis Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 260
Unspecific reactions in the in¬tradermal tuberculin test in cattle Tymniak M. [digitized] 269
Hypoderma bovis. Notes and conclusions following an action of its correct eradication Marański C. [digitized] 270
The state of horses in the Lublin district Chodnikiewicz S. [digitized] 273
Bacteriological examinations of natural and artificial water reservoirs in combating salmonelosis of water birds *Gaugusch Z. & Malwińska K. [digitized] 276
Bednarczyk T. Influence of bleeding on the utility value of veal *Pezacki W. & [digitized] 280
Indications for the incision of the rumen Wisło cki M. [digitized] 284
Epidural anaesthesia in cattle. Topography of the epidural cavity Lutnicki W. [digitized] 289
Castrations of hoggs by incision in the pubic area Pielecki M. [digitized] 293
Ameningeal hernia with li¬quid contents in a pigling Szaflarski J. [digitized] 295
A case of a tumor of the genital organ in a cow Kanicki M. [digitized] 296
A simple method of maging anatomo-pathologic preparations Zieliński Z. [digitized] 296
Septicaemia of carps in the light of recent German investigations Kocyłowski B. [digitized] 300
A new method of biolo¬gical fight against noxious insects Skowronowa M. [digitized] 309
Accidents during work and professional diseases of the veterinary ser¬vice of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1954 Lutyński W. [digitized] 301