Med. Weter. 38 (11), 557-620, 1982


Immunostimulative and immunosupressive action of some bacteria, fungi and viruses Wawrzkiewicz K., Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 559
Mechanisms of action of entomopathogenic fungi. I. Routes of infection, toxins Gliński Z., Chmielewski M. [digitized] 566
Tuberculin reaction and pathological changes in the lymph nodes of pigs in a farm of type Gi-Gi Żórawski C, Karpiński T., Loda M.,
Szymański M.
[digitized] 570
Parasite — fauna of the alimentary tract of hors in the Wielkopolska region Kozakiewicz E., Maszewska I., Wiśniewski B. [digitized] 574
Lesions of the lens of the type cataracta dermatogenes in the course of atopic dermatitis in dogs Pomorski Z., Lewandowska-Furmanik M.,
Lutnicki K., Lewandowski M.
[digitized] 577
Application of current for narcosis in sheep Komar E. [digitized] 580
Preliminary examinations on the phagocytic activity of neutrophiles in the blood of newborn calves Salwa A. [digitized] 582
Histopathologieal lesions in the internal organs of the carp intoxicated with gammacarbatox Lutnicka H. [digitized] 585
Experimental studies on morphology of small intestine mucosa and parenchymatous organs after extensive resection or exclusion of small intestine
in a dog
Buczek A., Kaszubkiewiez C, Oleszkiewicz L. [digitized] 589
Productive effects and a course of physiological indices in pheasants fed mixed power feeds of limited portion of components of animal origin
Jamroz D., Bartczak R., Giebel O., Mróz A., Mazurkiewicz M., Wachnik Z.
[digitized] 592
Deficiency of NaCl in fedmixture as the cause of losses on chicken broiler farms Koreleski J., Ryś R., Walicka E. [digitized] 595
Studies on the influence of various parameters on milk clotting Zieliński J. [digitized] 598
Hygienic evalua tion of quality of raw tank milk and that transformed into consumption TrawińskaJ., Kryńska M. [digitized] 600
Bacterial contaminations of semen of bulls in insemination centres Sawicka-Wrzosefc K., Gosiewska A. [digitized] 602
Haemophilus equigenitalis — a cause of infectious metritis of mares Klimczak J. [digitized] 605
Activity of GGTP, FZ and AspAT in ejaculates of rabbits before and after elimination of testes, epidydymis and vas defferens secretions Dubiel A.,
Króliński J., Karpiak C
[digitized] 608