Med. Weter. 38 (1-3), 1-128, 1982


Chemical and biological residues in animal tissues Prost E. [digitized] 5
Methods of the determination of Trichinella spiralis in meat Bojarski J. [digitized] 11
The influence of phosphates on bacterial antagonism Szteyn J. [digitized] 13
Activation of unspecific antiinfectious immunity (resistentia) Larski Z. [digitized] 16
Serological diagnosis of bovine leukosis in Poland. I. Evaluation of the method and preliminary results Grundboeck M., Grundboeck-Juśko J. [digitized] 19
Nonsporulating anaerobes In oral and hoof infections in calves Cygan Z., Buczek J., Wierciński J,, Barcz I., Rokosz B. [digitized] 24
Some problems of immunological response in brucellosis of cattle Karpiński T. M. [digitized] 29
Cefacetril resistant bacterial cells causing mastitis in cows Kłossowska A., Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 33
Examinations of the native strain of Gumboro disease virus Minta Z., Karczewski W., Roszkowski J. [digitized] 34
The course of Gumboro disease in relation to ithe presence of maternal antibodies . 37 Radoń Z. [digitized] 37
Immunosuppressive action of ND V in chickens Wiśniewski J., Grabowska G., Wasielewska A. [digitized] 41
Mycotic diseases of the fish in Poland Borowiecka E. [digitized] 43
Lymphatic leukaemia in bovine foetus as an expression of forming of epizootiological situation in a herd Kneblewski P., Kempski W.,
Stelmaszyk H.
[digitized] 46
Isolation of ortomyxoviruses from horses in the outbreak of equine influenza in the Łomża voiwodship in 1980 Weremowicz S., Parzych R.,
Malicki K.
[digitized] 48
Paramphistomatosis of cattle and sheep dn the Białystok region Wieczorowski S. [digitized] 50
The influence of invironmental factors of some immunity mechanisms in cattle Deptuła W., Buczek J. [digitized] 51
The influence of microclimate and nutrition on a healthy state and production in sheep . Walkowiak E., Kozłowska I., Hołub M., Lewoc E., Gruszycki L.,
Kamiński F.
[digitized] 55
Distribution of Cadmium in animals Kossakowski S. [digitized] 59
The influence of diet and season of the year on the production in vitro of methane by mixed bacterial flora of the sheep rumen Zawadzki W.,
Zawadzki Z., Załucki G.
[digitized] 63
Prevalence and role of conditionally-pathogenic and ubiquitous bacteria in bull's semen Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 66
The role of uterus and embryo in the control of lutheal function of the ovary Zięcik A. [digitized] 71
A trial of hormonal intervention in a seasonal disturbances of reproduction in sows Wandurski A. [digitized] 74
The influence of various methods of semen frozing on biological properties of bull's spermatozoons Strzeżek J., Torska J., Czeczot H., Aksiuto W.,
Waclawik A.
[digitized] 77
The influence of a semen conservation process, osmotic pressure and hydrogen ions concentration (pH) on movement of spermatozoons in a sire
Nytko M.
[digitized] 81
Observations on the length of pregnancy, perinatal mortality of calves, and twin pregnancies in cows covered by Holstein-Fresians and true
Fmiernikbreed bulls
Hibner A., Ziemiński R., Ficer S. [digitized] 85
Selected parameters of blood in cows in intergestation period in a herd of cows of a diminished fertility Saba L„ Janecki T., Wójcik S. [digitized] 89
Stimmulation of ovulation in a luteal phase by the use of Lutal forte-Hoechst and Lutalyse (PGF2 alpha) — Upjohn Dubiel A., Kro liński J.,
Miernik A.
[digitized] 92
The picture of elastic fibres of the uterus mucosa of cows with puerperal endometritis locally treated with herbs decotions Doboszyńska T.,
Chmiel J.
[digitized] 94
The influence of nutrition of bull calves with a feed grade urea on acid-base balance, level of electrolytes and nitrogen metabolism in blood and rumen
Hejłasz Z., Nicpoń J.
[digitized] 98
Shortening of the maxilla in the course of atrophic rhinitis of swine Tratwal Z. [digitized] 102
Genu flexum in polar foxes Krukowski W., Kłos Z. [digitized] 104
A case of cystine urolithiasis in the dog . Lutnicki K., Filar J., Mucha M. [digitized] 107
A case of lipoma in the bream Walczak B. [digitized] 109
Ion exchange chromatography of bipolymers wtih the use of ion-exchangers bas¬ed on carriers wthi unnetted polysaccharides.
Part I. Preparation of chromatographic process
Wierciński J. [digitized] 110
Morphological and cytochemical observations of cells of the IB-RS-2 line multiplicated by stationary and rotatory methods Malicki K., Malicka E.,
Katkiewicz M.
[digitized] 116